Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

cont. Travel Segment, “Magic Carpet” Segment – July 19, 2024

3:00 – 4:00 PM

Seg 2 – cont. Travel Segment, “Magic Carpet” Segment


Listen to Seg 2

LALO VISIONS w/ Lalo Tachiquin re: Clairvoyant from “Casa Del Monte” in Yucca Valley. Our “Magic Carpet” ride.
– REPORT on their 4th of July Party @ Casa Del Monte.
– QUESTIONS from Joey Pals, Joey and others.
1. What do you think about reincarnation? (Not certain. He will research this and get back to us. Difficult. He probably doesn’t believe in it.)
– DISCUSSION of folks who describe reincarnation. Sometimes his clients do the same.
– DISCUSSION of the routine he goes thru when you have a “reading”.
– DISCUSSION that once he had to tell a mother that her dead son had committed suicide.
– REPORT that Lalo sees a lot of this problem NOW.
– DISCUSSION of the fact that “heaven” is different dimensions. If you die w/ a clean conscience you don’t have to go thru the 12 levels. These people can come “back and forth” to help you.
– “Signs of Angels In or At Your Home”.
1. Feathers
2. Music – a familiar melody from a loved one who is no longer with us.
3. Sweet smells – mother’s perfume, or a man’s cologne who has passed away.
4. Bright Lights – often spotty, to make you aware.
5. Chill – Angels indicating you should watch out. A warning.
6. Warmth in a room – love.
7. Ringing in your ears – when no medical issues exist, a sign to be aware.
– REPORT on Lalo’s comforting 90-minute spiritual readings for only $95. up in beautiful Yucca Valley. GREAT GIFT IDEA for birthdays, graduations, weddings, etc.
– (contact info; www.lalovisions.com and (760) 401-1810.)

Lalo and Steve

Rest in Peace
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