Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

August 2021 Appearances

7. The Joey English Show’s “Mr. Community” Steve Henke from DAPHealth and Revivals and the chocolate cake @ “Elmer’s”.  He’s eating chocolate, now where’s the red??? lol


6. R.I.P. Dear Ed Asner.  11/15/1929 – 8/29/2021.  Here together on the Mike Douglas Show.

Ed Asner 11.15.1929 – 8.29.2021

5. R.I.P. Hunter Lopez and Kareem Nikoui, U.S. Marines from Riverside County who died in Afghanistan, while in service to our country and humankind. Semper Fi.

4. Aug., 26 – Our military in Afghanistan. God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America. There are no words.

3. Aug., 14 – Victory in the Pacific, 1945.

2. Aug., 11 – lunch @ “LuLu California Bistro” w/ producer extraordinaire Richard deSantis. He’s produced over 300 shows for Charities in the Coachella Valley over the years!!

Richard deSantis

1. Aug., 7 – dinner w/ THE FABULOUS Ruta Lee @ Willie Rhines’s FABULOUS “849”. FABULOUS food, fun and fellowship for all.

Ruta Lee

Rest in Peace
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