Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

cont. “Senior Moment” Segment – August 14, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 3 – cont. “Senior Moment” Segment

FOREST LAWN w/ Larry Davis re: 69855 E. Ramon Rd., Cathedral City, CA. 92234.
– DISCUSSION of the “comfort” level in knowing/dealing w/ Forest Lawn.
– DISCUSSION of the protocols NOW in place. City of Cathedral City has mandated masks be worn INDOORS again. Protects employees and the families that are being serviced.
– DISCUSSION that services can be held indoors.
– REPORT that Forest Lawn see the ultimate RESULT of the COVID problem. Younger and non-vaccinated people are dying more now.
– DISCUSSION of the aspects of death associated w/ any death, but especially when the death it to a child/younger person.
– DISCUSSION of the fact that the suicide rate is up in younger people. Forest Lawn has information to pass along in these cases. Larry did his thesis in college about Teen Age Suicides!! Cavalier aspect of it all. The concept of death for teenagers is very different from even younger children or certainly adults.
– DISCUSSION that during the Pandemic “death” seems to be “right in your face”.
– Report on how detailed should my instruction be for MY FINAL DAYS. (Person has specific wishes, i.e. music, lighting, visitors, food, pictures, candles, temperature, etc. NEED TO COMMUNICATE THESE WISHES WHILE YOU STILL CAN).
– REPORT that you need to let people TALK about their final days WHEN THEY WANT TO. Even when it’s difficult to hear.
– REPORT that you should pre-plan and pre-pay your funeral wishes. HAVE THE CONVERSATION.
– REPORT on the podcast on their Facebook page…”dealing w/ his grief after the death of Linda”.
(760) 328-3112)


Rest in Peace
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