Insurance Segment – March 23, 2019
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Hour 3 Seg 1 – Insurance Segment
ASCEND INSURANCE w/ Dennis Van Buskirk re: 31697 Cook St., #101, Palm Desert, CA. 92211.
– DISCUSSION of what insurances Cities have.
– Auto, Home, Business, Life, Health etc., No brokerage fees.
– User friendly website w/ all kinds of information.
– Spanish speaking office.
– DISCUSSION of the fact that he is one of very few companies that insures manufactured homes.
– Rates are and will be going up. Ascend can still save your money most likely. Dennis does so much w/ a special computer program, over the phone and HE DOES THE PAPERWORK.
– DISCUSSION of how your auto insurance rates can be affected by your retirement or life changes.
– Homeowners is the last policy people remember to review because it’s included in their mortgage payment.
(760) 341-3477)