Gough Financial Services Segment – June 30, 2018
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 2 – Gough Financial Services Segment
Janice Gough
– As a financial advisor, she’s the “voice of reason”.
– The stock market recently had a 550 point correction and these dips will come, but she feels the market will remain stable.
– The large corporations are coming back into the U.S. and will have more money to put back into the U.S. economy.
– Discussion of Harley-Davidson moving their manufacturing to Germany for the most part.
– Discussion of the 2017 Job Act/Tax Cut, which lowered the corporate tax structure, helping to keep the market stable.
– Discussion of the numbers put out there for unemployment.
– Helps you to look @ what you have, what you need, where you want to go financially.
– Her weekly column in the Desert Star Weekly.
(760) 251-7724